Creativity and strategic creative thinking can sometimes take over a planning meeting and usually happens when we least expect it. Dare I say we never plan for it? At the risk of bragging, our creative team consists of a group of Don Draper’s, sans all of his drama. We never know which corner our next great, critically strategic idea will come from or who will throw it out there and most of the time, it’s a collaborative team effort. Then all of a sudden - BOOM - a new branding dream is born. Sometimes a break-through idea so good pops into our heads late on a Friday afternoon or even when as we are hitting the hay at night. Cue the late-night emails!

This dream big of an idea was one of those times. Stephanie, our Sales & Marketing Vice President dreamed of creating a Promo Fix Box to send to our customers. The Promo Fix box is just as it sounds and was designed to take the guess work out of what promo products our customers should use for their next event or giveaway. We pride ourselves on staying up to date on product trends and new seasonal ideas.  For the Promo Fix box, we thought of a theme and came up with several great items to add to each box. Everything from the box, down to the tape was custom made. We carefully wrapped everything in our custom tissue paper (after all, we are the retail packaging company) and sent it off, with the end of goal of receiving some good feedback and generating excitement for our customers.

Not only did our customers appreciate receiving the box (who doesn’t love to unwrap a gift) and wanted to know more about the products inside, but we even heard back from our prospects. Months later, we’ve turned a number of prospects into customers. In the end, it’s not just about the goods that we sell to our customers because let’s be honest, everyone in our industry has access to the same products. It’s about presenting our imagination and creativity to help our clients build their brand and stay relevant. We carefully think about each project that we touch because no one project is alike. This is what we love to do and what makes us excited to come into work each day. Working with Mad [Wo]Men is pretty cool too. Wouldn’t you love to know what’s in the next box?  (We may have just given you a little clue!)