Gratitude is a funny thing.  When we are at our peak, celebrating our best moments, we often stop and give thanks for our blessings.  But what about the moments in which we struggle, the moments that try us, that dare to disrupt our routine, our inner being or our “mojo?”  I am a huge believer that it is in these moments specifically that we lean on gratitude to pull us through.  Gratitude is that which allows us to see the glass as incessantly half full for there is always something for which to be thankful.

Our team often knows my response after an issue or problem has occurred.  It usually begins with, “Well…at least it wasn’t (fill in the blank with something worse)!”  This year, as in many years before, our team has been tested.  We have been asked to jump through hoops and resolve what felt like impossibilities, if only momentarily.  We have worked endless hours to pull the task through to the finish line all in the name of good customer service and overdelivering for our amazing clients.  And through it all, I have watched our team take both the highs and lows with the most amazing resiliency and determination.  And what I love most of all is the gratitude that they each exhibit for their fellow colleagues in the trenches with them acting as the backbone for our organization, for our suppliers without whom no project would even be possible, and for our clients, who truly are the reason we love what we do.  I also want to take a moment to acknowledge our amazing competition, many of whom we consider industry friends.  We appreciate the ability to work in the same space and yet, also be able to consider each other friends at the same time.  It’s such a blessing.

Here are some thoughts I want to share with our suppliers, customers and employees.

Dear Suppliers,
Thank you for the endless support you give to City Paper Company and our employees and clients.  We cannot tell you what your partnerships truly mean to us as they are beyond just partnerships – they are friendships.  We lean on you for guidance and it’s not uncommon for us to ask you for what seems to be impossible.  Your enthusiasm to help us and jump into the trenches with us is not just valued, it’s admired.  We learn from you time and time again about what it means to provide great customer service.  Thank you for being an example to follow and for bearing with us in the tough times, as well as the shining moments of glory.  We recently asked many of you to attend our open house/end user show and did you show up!  We are incredibly grateful to call you partners.

Dear Customers,
We would not be a company at all without you, so first and foremost, thank you for entrusting City Paper Company with your brand.  We know that there is steep competition out there and you have many choices out there.  When you choose us, we do not take it lightly and we will not for one minute take it for granted.  You challenge us to be better, do better, act better.  Whether you realize it or not, you drive us to improve our processes, be accountable for our actions, and make decisions that are for the greater good of our company.  It’s your trust in us that motivates us to do our best work and to recognize where we can improve.  It’s about progress, not perfection.  Thank you for trusting us.  Thank you for choosing us.  We’ll work tirelessly to ensure you choose us over and over again.

Dear Employees,
I would be remiss not to say that each of you plays such an integral part in who City Paper Company has and will continue to become.  I’ve seen you sweat from moving boxes into our new office.  I’ve witnessed you glow with pride as you walked visitors around our new space.  Here is a secret – it fills me with pride to see you happy.  We’ve shared in exciting wins and a few losses, opposite ends of the spectrum that each serve a purpose in shaping our culture.  We have come together as the strong team we are and risen above the noise that can be competition, self-doubt or just sheer burn out.  It happens.  And yet, each of you wakes up the next morning and shows up renewed and ready to attack whatever that day may bring.  I am beyond proud to work alongside each of you.  I speak on behalf of the entire Executive team when I say we are so thankful for you.

On behalf of City Paper Company, we wish all of you a very Happy Thanksgiving full of gratitude, love and delicious food and a wonderful holiday season ahead.

Dream Big.  Be Thankful.
Stephanie Friedman
Vice President of Sales & Marketing