In some ways, 2020 has brought us closer together. To some degree, we’ve all experienced trauma and lived through change, helping us relate to others possibly like never before. We’ve all been in unique situations and navigated through some level of uncertainty, but one thing is for sure, we’ve been forced to slow down. While everyone has processed and experienced this year differently, we can all agree on one common thing – we understand true loss. We’ve been through real change together, but in true 2020 fashion, the change seemed to be ever changing. In a day in age when news is at our fingertips – it’s odd that the question was the same month after month after month for everyone “does anyone really knows what’s going on?!”
Now, what did a pandemic mean for promo and our business? Much like our 123-year-old company does from decade to decade, we adapted and quickly. I’ve witnessed our team come together and support one another like never before. We were fortunate that our business model was able to switch from selling pens and polos to masks and sanitizer. Our experienced promo, print and packaging sales executives moved their business models to PPE literally overnight. Talk about allusive. We were able to lean on long standing contacts and supplier support to help us transition, but I remember selling my first truckload of masks thinking “what is happening?!”
It goes without saying, but I’ll go ahead and say it – this time last year, I could have never dreamed I’d need to wear a mask to go into my office or that our entire team couldn’t be in the office at the same time because we need to be distanced. In some ways, this has been the longest year, but likely because I’ve mourned the loss of what normalcy was and reached a new level of exhaustion. It’s now normal during my Netflix binging to think, oh goodness they shouldn’t be hugging. Which reminds me, who came up with 6 feet apart? Do we know if that works? All very allusive.
I’ll share what I’ve repeated more times than I can count this year – growth happens in the uncomfortable zone. City Paper Company has grown through discomfort this year, we’ve tried our best to support our clients as their needs have changed, but most importantly, we’ve supported each other.
During this holiday season, City Paper hopes you’re able to reflect on what you’re thankful for and what your hopes for the new (hopefully less allusive) year. Here’s to 2021, may it bring you peace, stability, good health and a lot to be thankful for.