The importance of packaging is what makes us prideful about our work. The first impression of a retail brand you eventually grow to love is often their branding and packaging. You know your go to brands and your favorite packaging designs and those brands eventually evoke a specific memory. Shopping with my favorite brands takes me back to a treasured family vacation or makes me remember giving the perfect gift. We hope through our personalized unboxing experience we fondly refer to as our “Promo Fixes” that our team has created an unboxing experience that does just that for our customers.


Our regularly shipped Promo Fix boxes are a walk down memory lane for me and I have the always evolving creativity our team brings to each project to thank for that. I think about not only the team effort it takes to create the campaign from start to finish, but also the brainstorm session that each campaign grew from (even the parts that challenged us). I reminisce about where we started our very first Promo Fix box in our old office off 1st Avenue. Now I think about how far our Promo Fixes have come to now being multi-dimensional, award-winning campaigns.  Our team loves sharing our creative designs and themes, but even more than that we love when our customers call us and say they want to replicate it for their brand.


Sure, our mailer campaigns are a sales tool, but the best internal packaging campaigns are those that make you want to see your brand imprinted on the box and items inside. We’ve done our job if we’re able to generate a theme and transport you through our messaging to create a memory. A lot of times, our boxes carry a seasonal theme or unique trend, but regardless it’s always our mission to break out the best creativity.  It seems to be a lot less about what’s inside and much more about how it’s packaged. After all, who doesn’t want to receive a gift in the mail?