City Paper Blog

City Paper Supports

The Compassion Project

As our team sorts through life in the “new normal” and we try our best to make sense of how to adjust, we have found ourselves looking to the uplifting messages and underlying hope for guidance.

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Earth Day & Eco Friendly Promo

We are literally 30 days from this years’ celebrated Earth Day. (April 22nd) This may not even be on your radar. But it’s on ours. Here are several green, eco-friendly promo items that we love.

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Women's Day 2019

It’s no coincidence that promo products seem to be more and more geared towards women. Our industry is not only full of women on the distributor and supplier side, but frequently promotional product buyers are also women.

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City Paper's Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign

As we near the end of September and begin the month of October, City Paper is launching a new campaign called 31 Days of Pink Promo. Many people are aware that October is Breast Cancer Awareness month and we want to dedicate this time to spreading awareness, facts and reminders for people to take care of their breast health.

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We are all thinking it - how do I help? How can I give back from 4 states away? What if that was my home or my family? It's our time to show support through thoughts and donations.

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Vote for City Paper!

Vote for us! City Paper's design for the Midsummer Night's Run has been chosen as a finalist for ASI's The Wearables T-shirt Challenge. Keiah Flowers and Merri Logan Crow both helped design this shirt that benefited Oneonta City schools. Please click the link and vote for our design, Entry #7.

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